Call for 2022-2023 leaders

It’s this time of the year when student organizations are revitalized with new blood and fresh ideas. If you’re interested in organizing events for Stanford students, being socially active, and making new friends consider joining RSA leaders team. You can find more information about RSA, as well as examples of events RSA organized in the past on our website

Please submit your application here:

Rewards of being RSA leader:

  • People are interested to get to know you and network with you
  • Stanford university provides funding for events you organize for Stanford students
  • You obtain leadership experience (which looks good on your CV)
  • You become a representative of a large group of Stanford students (your opinion is valued more)
  • You’re more likely to get a reply from people you’re trying to reach out to (like celebrities, Stanford administration, etc)

Responsibilities of being RSA leader:

  • Organize social events of your choice (and submit paperwork to get reimbursed)
  • Oversee RSA property (like flags, kettles etc)
  • Maintain social presence of RSA (manage website, fb page, mailing list)

While there is almost no difference between various leader positions and information above is equally applied to every leader, Stanford requires that at organization has at least three officially appointed leaders for positions of President, Vice-president and Financial Officer. In practice organizations usually have more than one President and Vice-president. Financial Officer position is special since only this person has the ability to submit funding requests and distribute money from RSA account to students. You can find more formal information at OSE website and in RSA constitution, which can be found on RSA cardinal engage page.

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